Monday, February 06, 2006


Today we celebrated my oldest's ninth birthday. It doesn't seem possible that so much time has passed since I strapped the little guy into a car seat in the back of my wife's little blue sports car, wondering how I could ever possibly be a good enough parent to take care of him.

Now he's nine. He and his little brother started out the day with a good breakfast, then he got a birthday call from Grandma. Grammie (my wife's mom) and he had celebrated together over the weekend with a Saturday sleep-over (her birthday is in the neighborhood, calendar wise). Around 1:00 a number of our homeschooling friends came over for a movie, popcorn and then an icecream cake.

He just got a birthday call from one of our neighbors. We have a wonderful neighborhood.

We are going to have roast fish and french-fries for supper.

Happy birthday little guy, and may God bless you with many more. I hope to see as many of them as possible.

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